
Holiday Book List

I just got back home from my Christmas vacation in Ludington with the in-laws.  So far over break I have started four books, all of which I plan to finish over my last five days of break. Carceral Capitalism by Jackie Wang : I stumbled upon this intellectual beauty at my favorite bookstore Literati  the night of my company's holiday party.  I was drawn to it because of my interest in critiques of modern Capitalism (I'm not anti-capitalist, but feel the institutional structure needs a facelift).  So far it is extremely thought provoking, and has me considering supporting the outright abolishment of prison. We the Corporations by Adam Winkler : I bought this book at Book Mark in Ludington, MI.  Their loose leaf tea non-dairy latte was amazing!  I actually had read the first quarter of this book earlier in the year after I checked it out from the library.  I got distracted by other priorities but always planned on revisiting it later.  The history of American corporatism and t

Burnout to Balance: A New Year

I have actually never been one to set long-term goals, or at least I've never been one to be able to keep them active for very long.  I naturally revert to flying by the seat of my pants chasing sparks of inspiration.  This has resulted in some successes, but also many failures.  By chasing down so many ideas I routinely find myself overcommitted.  Piles of unfinished projects and a chaotic mess of fragmented ideas inevitably build up to be pruned during periods of contemplation.  It's in the pruning stage where reflection, usually occurring during winter and summer break, leads to me hitting the reset button.  The rush of breaking free from the shackles of perceived obligation is one of the greatest feelings I have come to's pure blissful relief. I compare the cycle of how I work to the story of Sisyphus, the myth told by Albert Camus that depicts a man choosing every day to continue the never-ending struggle of pushing a boulder up a mountain.  For me the size